Accurate, easy configurable tracking across all channels and platforms.
Stay on top of your marketing efforts with LinkTrust’s performance marketing solution tailored for Performance, CPA and eCommerce businesses.
Cookie-less & compliant automated attribution.
Start operating in the “cookie-less” world now with access to the industry’s most accurate, futureproof server-to-server tracking and trusted insights.
Take control over your attribution model
Align your attribution across all media channels and eliminate over attribution by controlling where you attribute sales. Give preference to the partners or channels driving awareness and stop double counting sales commonly happening with last touch models.
Ad Rotator
Allows users to control which ads are shown on specific media channels and partner websites, fully automating the delivery of designated ads to the chosen affiliates in real time.
Ad & Landing Page Testing
Our built-in ad and landing page testing technology allows users to compare the performance of various marketing creatives to identify the one delivering most conversions.
Compliance Monitoring
Our built-in Compliance Monitoring solution analyzes links, text and images, identifying and reporting potentially non-compliant content that could pose a risk to your brand.
Affiliate Discovery
An AI-powered Affiliate and Publisher Discovery solution provides marketers with tools to find affiliates, reach out and recruit them.
Payment Solutions
LinkTrust’s platform easily integrates with the majority of popular enterprise payment solutions that provide businesses with tools for sending and accepting payments, accounting and financial management.
Redirect & Capped Traffic Monetization
Our traffic management solutions help advertisers, publishers and ad networks to monetize their traffic to the max by redirecting and capping traffic to their websites.
Event Tracking and Product Tracking
eCommerce companies can track their product catalog and implement event tracking to track key events throughout the sales funnel.
Call Tracking
Track digital and call center leads from one platform using our integrations with turnkey integrations.
Fraud Detection
We conduct full and thorough analysis of publisher traffic from every angle, protecting customers from fraud attempts, harmful violations and regulatory risks.